Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy mumsly day!!

OMG omg!
Happy mothers day!! Ily mom!

I know mothers day was yesterday but me hadno time to post. Well I am thankful for having a mom. Sometimes we get in fights but I will always love her. Some people out their don't have moms or their moms abuse them. Do you should be thankful every second u r with her. Even if she won't let you do something remeber he is just doing it bc she loves you. Spend every second with her like it's the last.I love you mom! Comment why ou love your mothers and what u got her for mothers day

I got my mom the giant spa basket with some made stuff ..
-kool shaped soap
-homemade body wash
-sunless tan
-homemade lotion
-homemade hand santizer
-Sea shells
-pretty flowers
-tissue paper cheery blossom
-massage lotion
-for scrub

I'm also working on this other thing. I will post why it us nice she gets it
Well here are some pics. Happy ...


Whoa dude man!

Im on meh iPod!!! I haven't posted a real long post in a while. Well I'm bored. I'm doin homework. ON JAPAN!! I just tryed to capitalize the space :P. I love Swiss cake rolls. Num num nun. One two twelve baby Jesus in a well ... Ling story. Ahh I didn't make cheer bc my graded where to low :( y am I so stupid. *crystal into pillow*
tht is the only reason I didn't make it. Well later I'm gonna post some of my drawing pics. Read this funny thing-

(warning! Children under the age not in middle skool can not read)
Okie so a mom took her son to a bar. At the bar theis teens were "kadoodleing". This kids asked what they were doing and the mom Sao they were baking a cake. Then they went to the zoo and 2 zebras were kadoodleing. The kid asked what they were doing and the mom said baking a cake. The next day the kid went up to his mom and said I no u and dad were baking a cake last night. And she said how do you think that. And the kid goes bc I licked the icing of the sofa.

Groddyyyyy the kid is gonna get STDs!! kadoodleing is me and Olivias word for ..
-doing the nasty
-playing leapfrog
-having "fun"
-making "love"

Hehe in weird
Well here's a pic bye ily!! ;D

Oops one sec


Friday, May 6, 2011

Sittin in allies car with her drickin milkshakes. r we driving? no. we r just in her talkin cause we got nothin better to do. haha...yup
Bah! i didnt make cheer. :'( ill try again. BUT they accepted 3 HORRIBBLE ppl. they cant even do a toe touch! ahh! bye

Thursday, May 5, 2011

omg! omg! omg! leaving cheer tryouts now! im nervous but i did good! i smiled! was loud! and perfect toe touch!panthers! 2 more hrs!aah gtg bi!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cheer tryouts!! meh, finn, and allie- next rsms cheerleaders! woo! wish me luck 4 rest of week! i ruled today! we did a pretty good job!ily bye

Saturday, April 30, 2011

HOLY WOW! on disney for the fann picked suit life thingy for an example of signing the yearbook it said sarah
12! tht meh! kool. im sick tho. bye
You Forgot

Friday, April 29, 2011

just taught my fran allie to ride her bike! wo! i learned when i was in 5th grade going to 6th and shes in 6th now so were kinda on the same page lol :P.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Whoa! thts a weird freckle! wait... thts chocolate ... *lick*
yum! ahh cheerleading tryouts next weeks! precticing wit finn and allie. bye!
You Forgot <|3

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

happy Easter child's!! Did the Easter bunny come!?! I was sleeping over at Finns house he came and brought meh toothpaste. Omg girl! Then I went to church wot her. Omg. I got a sketch pad and I'm drawing anime. I'm Doing a sloppy copy and for a sloppy copy it's not TOO bad. Yup yup yupp. Well. If u read this post comment. Every tome u read it COMMENT. I saw two dead squirelles on the side of the road today to meh and my fran had an over the phone texting wise funeral for them. And I bought stuff at wal Mart. O meh and Finn went around wal Mart acting crazy yester afternoon. Will write bout tht l8r. It's l8 and I'm ores. Ily all! Merry ch- er happy Easter .... Heh heh... Byr


Thursday, April 21, 2011

(put title here)

Whoa! Haven't posted post I a while. Whoa good new!!! I got a new iPod!!! Yaya!! But I'm still in a horrible mood :/. Keeping up with te schitzofrenics! Coming soon! Mer. It's super natural. Extrachorletial. (sp?) kiss me ki ki kiss me. Ahh I love tht pang. Urg I hate being single. I'm a single pringle .. but u cam change tht lol jk no body likes meh. I'm soo bored. Bah. Well yeah... Bye I guess


Monday, April 4, 2011

new daily horoscope thing: You could be tempted to throw caution to the winds and take a risk today. Be realistic. The time has not yet come to act.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How do you do a dinosaur text picture? i new but i 4got. comment any text pics u can do and dino. thx!bye :)
example. __/\_\O/__ (shark attack)
ahhhh! i left my binder with the anime pics i was gonna drawat skool! & i was gonna print more but we r outta ink! its gonna be 4evr till we get more ink! ahh!

Friday, April 1, 2011

queen of the fools!

Michael ( the merface) kept on hitting me with dogeballs in p.e.! mer! happy april fools day! will say more of the fools today l8r when on computer
ikay now me on computer! well i got my ipod fixed! april fools! im like the quen of april fools. one year i came to skoll with cruches adn a cas. i "got hit by a car." today i came in with a wrap around my wrist. i tricked like 50 ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also in science we were talking about april fools then rickey goes " what is the date" and im like " its april 2nd" and mrs. swanson laughed cause im just tht funny!! and i got candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im listening to friday!!! i love this song!! bahah
well i also put stuicky note in...
and diana's

well dur dfe dur de dur!
cheese cutlites
its spring break!! exept im doing nothign exeot grudge weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the one post about utube vids... keep on checking up on tht one bc i had new videos!
im about to noww~~!~!~\
well bye
april fools
april fools for the april fools
april fools for the april foold that is fooling the april!!!
ahh now im cunfused bye

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quick post from fone. when i was shaving today, i got a big gash in my leg and wont stop bleeding and hurts. o i watched speed. yup well night!

Monday, March 28, 2011

worst Week EVER

ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! havent posted in forever well today and last week together created the
worst week ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just a bunch o crusty old drama
exept yesterday me and finn did go back in time.... im sexi
who has ever liked butter off the popcorn bag?? i no i hav
random  chiz
i like dinocorns
i hate p.e
i love mhmhmh
i storngly dislike work
and so on and so forth ..
here are some stuff for facebook...hehehe

Step 1 – Choose a friend.
Step 2 – ‘Like’ everything of their profile including pictures, wall posts, comments, etc.
Step 3 – Every time you ‘Like’ something, delete it straight after.
Step 4 – Your friend will get loads of notifications!

PLEASE – put this as your status if you know someone (or are related to someone) who has been eaten by a dragon. Dragons are nearly unstoppable and, in case you didn’t know, they can also breathe fire. 93% of people won’t copy this because they have already been eaten by a dragon. 6% of people are sitting in the shower armed with fire extinguishers and the remaining 1% are awesome and will re-post this important message.
!!!WARNING!!! Facebook are planning to start scanning your brain for private information through your computer monitor. To stop this from happening, go to Kitchen –> Cabinets –> Upper Right Drawer –> then REMOVE the box that says ‘Aluminum Foil’. Wrap all foil around your head. Copy and paste into your status to warn all friends!
As of today, Facebook will automatically start moving the Earth closer to the Sun. To change this option, go to Settings –> Planetary Settings –> Trajectory then UN-CLICK the box that says ‘Apocalypse’. Facebook kept this one quiet! Copy and paste this onto your status to spread the word!
URGENT FACEBOOK UPDATE: As of today, Facebook staff will be allowed to eat your children and pets. To turn this option off, go to settings, then privacy, then meals. Click the small X in the top right corner of your screen to prevent the employees of Facebook from eating your beloved children and pets. Copy this to your status to warn your friends!

Tripping and falling into the bath tub is more common than you might care to think. A recent ASFB poll shows that a shocking 89% of Americans have either fallen, or know someone who’s fallen into a bath tub. It’s time to let the world know of this impending crisis. Repost this as your status for at least 1 hour to show your support for bath tub fall victims. We shall be silent no longer.
figured out why it’s so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking… because those men already have boyfriends!
stuff with me and finn

You’re the hot to my chocolate, the grass to my ground, the cone to my ice cream. You’re the petal to my rose and most of all you’re the Best to my friend
I believe God has many angels, which is the kind that heaven sends … I am surrounded by angels but I call them friends.
Friends are those that will tolerate you when you’re throwing tantrums, cry when you cry, laugh when you laugh, and those that will never leave you no matter what.
A TRUE FRIEND IS: someone who cares about what you have to say, who worries about you when you’re away, who loves you for who you are and who will protect u at all costs.
We’re not really sisters, but we’re sisters of the heart, and nothing shall ever tear our friendship apart!
A true friend thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked.
Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.
True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.
A friend is a person who goes around saying nice things about you behind your back.

Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.

now back to fb funny stuff :)

April Fools Day: the one day where every girl is pregnant.
wants to remind everyone to poke holes in your cat before you put it in the microwave.
is quitting drinking today… April Fools!
is on watch for any high jinks, horseplay and/or shenanigans today. Don’t even think about it.
is not taking any “serious” Facebook status updates seriously today.
Facebook + April Fools Day = should be interesting.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
has been caught violating parole again… may not be able to update Facebook status for a while
won $750,000 on a scratchcard last night, no more work for me!!!!
you can’t fool a fool!

if my house is clean, it means that Facebook is broken
One day my prince charming WILL come. He just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.
will not be responsible for her actions if she doesn’t get some chocolate soon.
There was a piece of chocolate cake in the fridge and a note, “Don’t eat me.” Now there’s an empty plate and a note, Don’t tell me what to do.
Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts… Others come into our lives and make us wanna leave footprints on their face.
keeps hearing that the right person will come along… I think mine got hit by a truck.

Facebook: A place where all of your past mistakes will eventually try to befriend you.
Good girls are bad girls that never get caught.

I still miss my ex. But my aim is getting better.
He who laughs last thinks slowest.
The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.
Constipated people just don’t give a crap.
There’s a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can’t get away.

Roses are red, violets are blue, cupids are gay and so are you!
One day my prince charming WILL come. He just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.
Happy Singles Awareness Day!

–^v–^v–^v–^v-_____^v–^v–^v– For a second there, I was bored to death

► PlayTheMoments ▌▌ PauseTheMemories ■ StopThePain ◄◄ RewindTheHappiness.

Dont you find it Funny that after Monday(M) and Tuesday(T), the rest of the week says WTF?

is Loading haters ████████████ 99%

Funny Sarcastic Excuses To Use On Facebook Comments & Wall Posts

Stuck for an excuse to get out of something that your friends asking you to do? Try using one of these funny sarcastic excuses on your facebook. Post them on a comment or on your friends walls. You’ll be sure to make your facebook friends laugh!
  • really wish I could but, I promised to help a friend fold road maps.
  • really wish I could but, I changed the lock on my door and now I can’t get out.
  • really wish I could but, I have to floss my cat.
  • really wish I could but, I want to spend more time with my blender.
  • really wish I could but, I’m teaching my ferret to yodel.
  • really wish I could but, I swallowed my gold crown this morning, and I have to wait here until it comes out the other end.
  • really wish I could but, I have to stay home and wash my tongue.
  • really wish I could but, I have to check the freshness dates on my dairy products.
  • really wish I could but, My patent is pending.
  • really wish I could but, I’m worried about my vertical hold.
  • really wish I could but, I have to fulfill my potential.
  • really wish I could but, I have some real hard words to look up in the dictionary.
  • really wish I could but, I have to answer all of my “occupant” letters.
  • really wish I could but, I’m attending a perfume convention as guest sniffer.
  • really wish I could but, My yucca plant is feeling yucky.
  • really wish I could but, I have to rotate my crops.

Funny & Witty April Fools Day Status Updates For Facebook

Post one of these funny status updates on your facebook page on April Fools Day and make your friends laugh! On April Fools day there will be loads of silly status ideas on facebook, lots of your fb friends will be trying to fool each other with fake status updates. If you want to post a more witty, clever and funny status, try one of these. Maybe you’ll get an idea for a funny status update from these ones.
April Fools Day: the one day where every girl is pregnant.
wants to remind everyone to poke holes in your cat before you put it in the microwave.
is quitting drinking today… April Fools!
is on watch for any high jinks, horseplay and/or shenanigans today. Don’t even think about it.
is not taking any “serious” Facebook status updates seriously today.
Facebook + April Fools Day = should be interesting.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
has been caught violating parole again… may not be able to update Facebook status for a while
won $750,000 on a scratchcard last night, no more work for me!!!!
you can’t fool a fool!

me and finny :)
You’re the hot to my chocolate, the grass to my ground, the cone to my ice cream. You’re the petal to my rose and most of all you’re the Best to my friend
I believe God has many angels, which is the kind that heaven sends … I am surrounded by angels but I call them friends.
Friends are those that will tolerate you when you’re throwing tantrums, cry when you cry, laugh when you laugh, and those that will never leave you no matter what.
A TRUE FRIEND IS: someone who cares about what you have to say, who worries about you when you’re away, who loves you for who you are and who will protect u at all costs.
We’re not really sisters, but we’re sisters of the heart, and nothing shall ever tear our friendship apart!
A true friend thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked.
Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.
True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.
A friend is a person who goes around saying nice things about you behind your back.

Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.

okie done for tht now back to funny

How To Frape Your Facebook Friends – Best & Funniest Fraping Ideas

Fraping – The Act of hijacking one’s Facebook account without their consent and publishing outrageous things.

The Top 10 Ways To Frape:

  1. Post a funny/embarrassing status.
  2. Change the victim’s details including their name, date of birth, political views, marital status, sexual orientation, religious views, hometown and any other information you can edit.
  3. ‘Like’ everything on their news feed including statuses, comments, pages and groups.
  4. Write embarrassing comments on statuses on the news feed.
  5. Chat to their friends using facebook chat, making sure you say weird and embarrassing things.
  6. Write weird and embarrassing comments on the victim’s family’s pages.
  7. Join lots of weird and funny groups.
  8. Change your frape victim’s password.
  9. Upload an outrageous photo for their display picture.
  10. Add 100′s of people (works best if they’re from a different country)

No! for the last time stop asking if i am drunk… I am not drunk! Who would name their kid drunk?

okie i think im done for now
 im in a horrible mood :(
stay weird yall

Monday, March 21, 2011

quick blog, on foone, michael hates me yet he says he doesnt. i no he does. michake quit lieing! i no u hate me :(
Get It Right</3

Sunday, March 20, 2011

id go back to december all the time

the title is like my life story song. it has everything to do with my like. AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!!!!!!!! well finn came ova yesternight and slept ova. we made crustation cookies and dressed up all weird. we were gonna go trick or treating but me dada wouldnt let us. we did a bunch of random chiz!!! ill upload no.....tht day. o and happy birthday alyssa!!! it was her bday friday but i wasnt at skool friday. so yeah. i smeel nice. alex and/or elizabeth.......... if u are reading this...............YALL BELONG TOGETHER :D alex, it is eather elizabeth or collen or nobody.... who will it be ?? and elizabeth............... say yes. dahdadada!!! i hate Qs. i also hate milkmen, berries, yellow apples, and shirts with big lite and dark blue stripes.... ewwww!!! well im bored so i gonna go. bubi!

o and ps! type in on google images zebra chiz!!! a pic from this site comes up!! omg gurl!! bye


Saturday, March 19, 2011

worst thing ever!

okay so i just figured out the guy i LOVE asked out my friend. im happy for her but im depressed and pissed at me. i am in LOVE with him. ( i realy hope he aint reading this). i screwed it up sooo much. i literaly never stop thinging about him. and now he noes i like him its even worse. i sear to the clouds i will never stop loving him. just from all the experiense we hav been thru.. its not just some teenage crush tht u no will nvr last. add more later


universal studieos

okie so i went to universal studios instead of going to skool! it was really fun but ill type more later.

i typed in zebra at universal and this is what showed up

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

O yeah also p.s for today. i wore theise sick shoes (ill post a pic l8r) but they had velcro on it, just a random peice, and i felt like and astronaut! k bye!

im back!

hey ppl!
i havent posted a post in a while but here iam! well tragidy happened yesterafternoon. i was on the bus and brook when " Im gonna say who sarah likes! sarah likes ___" she didnt say who i like but she made the first movement with her mouth like she was about to so ppl were like " it starts with a _ it is _____!!!!" and the guy is sitting in the fronto f the bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt no if he heard but i freaked out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i got home i almost puked!! (kinda) so this mornin i rode the bus and he was there and he kept on giving me looks like " i no something >:)" so when i get to skool im talking to marlee and olvia about it and hes coming to marlee goes " hes comming! shh cough cough!" omg!!! u dont just say tht out loud when hes coming. so he was like " o i already no. i heard ppl in the back and some ppl told me." i could feel myself blushing!! it was so weird!! HE  KNOWS!!!!!! i mgiht somday say eho it is bc he no but idk. i also went to conciling with kelsey to go over all this stuff. i ask for one guy and i get a 6th grader ( whos kinda nice) and a weirdo who wont leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHSHAHHSHHAHAHHSHAH!!!!!!!Qwerty! so at the edge he came on the day he found out i like him and he hasnt been there fo 3 months.....great -.-
MER!!!!!!!!!! im duct tapin pants for saint pattys day. i also just watched glee. urg! im in love ... well im gonna go. ill keep ya posted. bybye!


Thursday, March 10, 2011


okay so i always thought lent was spelt lint :/ well i dont no to much chirchy stuff but im trying to be so ive been going to the edge with leila and stuff. i gave up vilolence for no reason.... kinda.  today some fugly fat guyt ran into me adn would not move outta the way!!!! also y friends brook came up behind me and put her hand over my eyes so i couyldnt c and i grabed alexises neck and almost smacked michael! omg! lol!!!!!!!!! and styff. wekll illl talk more l8r gtg bye


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

omg life i annying!!!!!!

omfg!!!!!!! i hav to re type this cause my kindle is retarded!!!!!!!!!! well i thought tday would b great casue i wearing my new kirt....WRONG!!! today was horrible!!! first their is this homo guy who is annoying as heck!!!!!!!! im not aganst gay but he is just annoying and meh!!!!!!!!!! then my friend who also likes the guy i like was like"o i asked himand he domt like u" wen i was talking tabout him today....IDC!!!!!HE HAS LIKED ME BEFORE I CAN TRY AGAIN!!!! WIM NOOT EVEN SURE IF HE LIKES U ANYMORE SO STFU!!!!!! then i study allday today and at the en of the day.... my dad trys to make me study more when i jut wanna watch glee..... HECK NO!!!!! so now im in my room bc of tht nuttmunch >:[ ! also my mom thguht silent luch was the worst peice of crap in thw world s she got agrey at me bc of it!!!!! its nt tht bad!!!!!!!! then when i said okay... she took my fone¿¿¿¿¿!!! i didnt do nothin!!!!!!!!! mer!!!! t and if u like the guy i like too do not go well at least u had a chance... I NO!!! BUT I SCREWED IT UP AND RUINED MY LIFE SO SHU UP INSTEAD OF BRINGING BACK HORRIBLE MEMORISE THT WILL HAUNT ME FOREVER!!!! and i OVE hims much!!! i would do aything for him!! i would die for him!!!! i just wamt him tht is alll i wat!!!! make fun of me IDC!!!! its not gonna chamge anythng exept .e knowing u dont care if im single for the rest of my life or with someone i dont like!!! yea ur nice!!!!! i just wat to b with him so bad¿¿!! i need to be wth him!! im going crazy!!!! my love is different!!!!! gosh!!! their is much more too bt im going to bed. sorry fr all the anger. im just really mad. bye


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ppl ppl plz. im in a bad mood. o no -.- read all my posts nad comment and follow and stuff good might come out of it. read ALL of them! thx! bye

I Love Him! <3

mer :( :)

okay im gonna put up some of my fav vids. here they are  so cute!
o also this i made it
friday spoof
im in a gorrible mood :(
im singing my life story song.

Okay so im at the bus stop. i hav detention today. i woke up at 6 and im wearing 2 sox on each foot. its cold. im running outta room so yeah bye
I Love Him! <3
Haha is u take out the "ze" it is brasmakemesmile XD that wanted to point tht out . it is 630 am. im gettin ready for skool wearin new shirt.bye

I Love Him! <3

Monday, March 7, 2011

lookin sick and sexified

my title is like from a kesh so.g. hehe. i went todrama with finn today. it was fun. then i went to her house for lik five seconds [long story]them .y me.we went to walmart where i got duct tape and zebra shorts. then chilis and petsmart and of course rue 21 i got a zebra lather type coat thingy, a skirt,and a awsome shirt. i drew soem more chis. im gonna uplod all my pic... someday. i think for lint tommorw im gonna give up being ma 24|7and maybe giv up on the guy i love nut iwill always love him. when i got home today i just sat there for a while... then i jusy burst out in tears.. yeah. im giving up more tuf too well yeah im gonna go.. and stuff...!wait!finn gav me this thing where u can easdrop on ppl. its like a stalite type thing. i had it in homeroom and the sub lt on person stand on one sie of the room and on person on the ther with the "insturment" she called it. and one person whispered something. it was fun. well okay NOW nye.. .and stuff

Okay so when im on my phone all the posts can only be 160 letters long so mer im on the bus i feel,look,and sound horible and its cold imwearingatanktop.gtg bi

Sunday, March 6, 2011

happy go puppy umbrellas!!!!

im all hyper and chiz. i just got back from finns house and stuff. well i just took a nice warm showa. pimapples. me ad fnn did a bunch of random chiz. ill add morebltaer idk wat to sa


Hello Foreign Foreignetes!

Γεια σου


Hello people!

My name is sarah. and me and my friend, Finn, are gonna be Pen Paling with Foreign people useing are amazing LIVE translator sourse.... bing! That makes me happy because I can write in Japanese and stuff! So if you would like to be pen pals, please post a comment in English. I will only share 1 piece of information: my name is Sarah, I'm a girl. No personal info! Just leave a comment! Everything else below is the same thing that I just wrote but in diffrernt manuscripts/languages.

sarah the amazing!

Hola gente!

Mi nombre es sarah. y yo y mi amigo, Finn, estamos ' s gonna be Pen pálido con aplicando los extranjeros son sorprendentes pones vivo traductor.... bing! Me hace feliz porque puedo escribir en japonés y esas cosas! Así que si le gustaría ser pen pals, por favor escribir un comentario en inglés. Sólo compartiré 1 pieza de información: mi nombre es Sarah, soy una chica. No hay información personal! Deje un comentario! Todo lo demás a continuación es lo mismo que yo sólo escribía pero en diffrernt manuscritos o idiomas.

¡ Gracias!

Sarah el asombroso!

Hallo Leute!

Mein Name ist Sarah. und mir und meinem Freund, Finn, sind gonna be Pen Paling mit ausländischen Menschen Useing sind erstaunliche LIVE Translator Sourse.... Bing! Das macht mich glücklich, weil ich in Japanisch und Sachen schreiben kann! So wenn Sie Brieffreunde werden möchten, bitte post a Comment in Englisch. Ich werde nur teilen, 1 Stück von Informationen: mein Name ist Sarah, ich bin ein Mädchen. Keine persönlichen Info! Lassen Sie einen Kommentar! Alles, was unten ist die gleiche Sache, die ich aber in schrieb Diffrernt Manuskripte/Sprachen.

vielen Dank!

Sarah die erstaunliche!
Hallo mensen!

Mijn naam is sarah. en mij en mijn vriend, Finn, zijn gonna be Pen Paling met buitenlandse mensen useing zijn geweldig LIVE vertaler sourse.... bing! Dat maakt me gelukkig omdat ik in het Japans en stuff schrijven kan! Dus als u worden pen pals willen zou, post een reactie in het Engels. Ik zal slechts 1 stuk van informatie delen: mijn naam is Sarah, ik ben een meisje. Geen persoonlijke info! Verlaat enkel een commentaar! Alles hieronder is het zelfde ding dat ik schreef maar in diffrernt manuscripten/talen.


Sarah de amazing!
好的人 !

我的名字是冬。与我和我的朋友,芬,将会与外籍人士使用钢笔巴陵 … … 都令人惊讶的实时翻译新源兵 !这使我很开心,因为我可以写日语和东西 !所以如果你想要笔友,请在英语中张贴评论。只将一条信息: 我叫萨拉,我是一个女孩。没有个人的信息 !只留下评论 !以下的都是同样的事情,但我只是写了 diffrernt 的手稿语言。

谢谢 !

冬的惊人 !
Bonjour les gens !

Mon nom est sarah. et moi et mon ami, Finn, sommes re gonna be Pen Paling avec a des étrangers sont étonnantes traducteur LIVE sourse.... bing ! Qui me rend heureuse parce que je peux écrire en japonais et d'autres choses ! Donc si vous désirez être pen pals, veuillez publier un commentaire en anglais. Je partagerai seulement 1 pièce de l'information : mon nom est Sarah, je suis une fille. Aucune info personnelle ! Juste laisser un commentaire ! Tout le reste ci-dessous est la même chose que j'ai simplement écrit mais en diffrernt manuscrits/langues.

Merci !

Sarah l'incroyable !
こんにちは !

私の名前はサラです。私と私の友人は、フィン、つもりはペン杭の外国の人々 の使用では素晴らしいライブ翻訳ソース…. ビンビン !日本語のものを書くことができますので、私を幸せに !ペンパルをする場合は、とてもコメント英語で投稿してください。のみ 1 つの情報を共有します: 私の名前はサラは、私は女の子。個人情報がありません !コメントを残して !他の下のすべてが書いたは同じです diffrernt 原稿・言語。

ありがとうございます !

サラは素晴らしい !

Ciao gente!

Il mio nome è sarah. e io e il mio amico, Finn, stiamo andando essere penna Paling con usando persone straniere sono stupefacente LIVE translator sourse.... bing! Che mi rende felice perché posso scrivere in giapponese e roba! Così se volete essere amici di penna, per favore inviare un commento in inglese. Condivido solo 1 pezzo di informazioni: il mio nome è Sarah, io sono una ragazza. Nessuna informazione personale! Basta lasciare un commento! Tutto il resto qui di seguito è la stessa cosa che ho appena scritto ma in diffrernt manoscritti/languages.


Sarah stupefacente!
Привет народ!

Меня зовут Сара. и меня и моего друга, Финн, являются собираешься быть пен Paling с иностранными людей используя удивительный живой переводчик источник.... Бинг! Это делает меня счастливым, потому что я могу написать в японском и прочее! Так что если вы хотите быть друзей, просьба оставить комментарий на английском языке. Я поделюсь только 1 часть информации: меня зовут Сара, я девушка. Не личная информация! Просто оставьте комментарий! Все остальное ниже это то же самое, что я только что написал, но в diffrernt рукописей/языки.


Сара удивительный!
click on this for more info ...

mobile device baybay


okay tht was from my phone. o got blogger on my fone but it was being stupid and started posting random things likie
it was weird
so i typed in WHAT?!? and tht worked. proboly my msg was too long :/ o wel im on computer now so heres the pic!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

smeary chiz

well my title is randomand mkes no sense kinda. it mean my mae up is smeared cause of my tears. wow that sounded cheesey. it is 1224. i drew a pic of cinderella and some pic of real pics i took of mysel ad made it anime. it isnt good and im gonna have finn help me with them next time i c her. well just gonna add the pics of the day to all the posts tommorow mornin. im gonna go cry myself to seep. heres to a badnihtmare abut how i ruined my life... yipee. srry im not cheery in this post. mer. ill say something random to make it a lil mor fin...
flobby pickels drink cranberry juice and hav no life
i like unicorns that poop ranbows
my mother ate my friends tv
u can suck my big toe
if a hobo didnt hav its shell .. would it be naked or homeless
and last but not least.. a little jingle..
gummybears are chasing me
one is red
one is blue
one is trying to eat my show
now im running for my lie
 caue ther
 read one has a knife

well night night

:] :[ :) :(

okay so my title took skill cause it hard to do sym stuff on kindle. its to much work but right now idc!!!! im a lil happy but really sad!!! so i went to c rango with faily friends exept our faimly fried left randomly and  he actied kinda pissed when we did nothin ad junk. well i thought rango was awsome but not my dad. mer im stillupset michael hates me i think :[ i am also upset about the guy i lik er wait i misspelt that....LOVE!!!!!!! mer my lie is messed up. aso im realy reay sorry finn. i felt like yesterda at urban junge i kinda diched u and im sorry. i wasbawas looking for u whem we were in lazer tag and i felt bad u didnt get a tocken :[ also im sorry i ased so late for u to sleeover. and i freaked out when she txted me about her bro!!!! she didnt reply so ichecked her bog and omg!!!! finn how did tht happen¿!¿!¿ mer i drew a girl hanging her self... isnt tht nice. well sine im realy sad and last night when i got home i just stuffed my head into my pillow and cryed for a long three hours. im gonna think about how much i messed up my life and how much i am freain in LOVE with him and iscrewed it up. if u wanna no the story abut bmeb ad him.. just ask to figure out tht i swear to god .. all the other girls tht ik hmand say they have huge feelings for him... mine is just 8,236,167 times bigger. so yeah im gonna lay somewhere ad cry until it is tommorow so yeah. bye... and stuff

Friday, March 4, 2011

hey there child of many childs

omg the title was weird. well im in  a reallllly nad mood but i di hav a great night tonite. im upset cause i made a huge mistae a whil back and cae back andbit me n my smexi butt. lol. well yea. i went to urban jungle today caue we didnt go to alabama casue the prade got rained in. but haley. finn. sydney. marlee. and brittany allwent. michael dnt go. mer . it was ffun but me and britt we sad some. i was gonna hav someone sleep obverbut now its too late so m stting here in bed. i was drawing but i got bred. and tired. i wish a kidle had a light. well yeah. i will post my drawings later. they arent as good as finns tho. mer. my ipod plays music when i put it in the radion bt the screen dont work. the rice didnr help now their is rice stuck in the whole. nub nub nub. hehaha. my like is beng crusty puddim cupish right now. mer. omg bogger sas itb is four fourtyfive when it is not. mer life isbannoying so.etimes. and crust. well im tired. i will post pics and stuff maybe tommorow mornin or so.ething pl comment and junk. michael if ur readng this which u prob arent.... y didnt u go to urban jungle and also i thought we were friends uve been acting so rude lately :'(. i hope he is readimg this. mer. wow i said merto much. mer. mer. merr. hhaha. well kk bubi